Case Study
ClimeCo collaborates with Eco Material Technologies to assist in the development of the first-ever low-carbon cement protocol
ClimeCo, a full-service environmental commodity and advisory firm, recently participated in the development of the Climate Action Reserve’s new U.S. Low-Carbon Cement Protocol, which establishes a first-of-its-kind pathway for companies to generate voluntary carbon credits from sustainable substitutes to cement.1
As the key binding ingredient in concrete, cement production accounts for 7-8% of global carbon dioxide emissions2, largely due to the creation of an intermediary product called clinker, whose only viable alternatives at scale are less-polluting supplementary cementitious materials (“SCMs”) or alternative cementitious materials (“ACMs”).3 For more than 18 months, ClimeCo worked closely with numerous stakeholders, including Eco Material Technologies (“Eco Material”), Heidelberg Materials, and various industry associations, to develop a protocol that counteracts the declining supply of traditional SCMs by incentivizing the production of new and underutilized materials like natural pozzolans and harvested fly ash from existing landfills. ClimeCo leveraged its expertise partnering with hard-to-decarbonize industries and commitment to transparency and genuine impact to support the Climate Action Reserve in creating a market-based solution for this challenge with strict rules on additionality, permanence, ownership, and quantification in generating and awarding carbon credits. Today, about 88 million tons of traditional cement is produced annually in the U.S.4 – this protocol aims to help facilitate the continued growth of the low-carbon alternatives and address a pressing emissions crisis in the cement and concrete industry.
While demand for cement has never been higher, it remains an exceptionally difficult-to-abate industry,” said ClimeCo President and CEO Bill Flederbach. “This new protocol demonstrates the power of credible, validated and science-based voluntary carbon credits in accelerating the pace and adoption of environmental reforms. It also confirms ClimeCo’s belief that by engaging the right partners and taking a holistic approach, every industry and every company, even those facing the biggest challenges, can make a huge difference. Since its inception, ClimeCo has worked with 28 industrial companies that helped mitigate 33 million tons of industrial emissions. Time is of the essence, and ClimeCo is proud to lead the way toward a brighter future.”
Eco Material, the largest producer of SCMs in North America5 , provided valuable input into the development and design of the protocol. “This marks a key turning point in the SCM market,” said Grant Quasha, Chairman & CEO of Eco Material, “Between existing operations and recent partnerships, Eco Material is already set to produce over 4 million tons per annum of novel, beneficiated SCMs. This protocol will help catalyze further growth and meaningfully reduce the emissions footprint of the cement and concrete industry.”
About ClimeCo:
ClimeCo is a global sustainability company focused on advancing the low-carbon future with market-based solutions. ClimeCo serves as an advisor, trader, transaction facilitator, and developer of environmental commodities. ClimeCo provides comprehensive, vertically integrated solutions to help clients maximize their environmental assets, minimize regulatory costs, and enhance their sustainability impact. ClimeCo serves a base of 250+ corporate customers and more through retail sales to individuals and small businesses via their e-commerce site and has cumulatively helped mitigate 33MM+ tons of CO2e reduced, avoided, or remove since inception.
About Eco Material Technologies:
Eco Material Technologies (EMT) is a leading producer and supplier of sustainable cement alternatives in North America producing innovative, near-zero-carbon products that allows for ~20% of Portland cement to be replaced in concrete mixes while also creating a stronger, more economical and environmentally friendly concrete. EMT serves over 4,000 unique customer locations and recycles 10 million tons per year of material from 100+ sites across 45 states with a substantial pipeline of additional projects.
1 Low-carbon cement protocol
2 Concrete needs to lose its colossal carbon footprint
5 Eco Material Technologies Corporate Brochure
* as of Q1 2024